Platinum Sponsorship

This is the perfect opportunity to show your love for the Digital PM community. 

What you'll Get

  1. A mention in the description of each month’s meetup (seen by about 600 project managers).
  2. An informational paragraph in our meetup email that goes out the week prior to the event when a sponsored presentation, Q&A, demo, etc. are to be given (sent to about 500 project managers with a 30% overlap with the list).
  3. The sponsor will have their logo in emails all year and be referred to as a “Platinum Sponsor”.
  4. The sponsor  is able to present up to two 3-5 minute demos (virtual or live), overviews, testimonials, Q&A’s, or use cases at our meetup during the year.
  5. In addition, the sponsor is able to give one 20 minute demo (virtual or live), overviews, testimonials, Q&A, or use cases.
  6. The sponsor may display logo, branding, or swag during each meetup during the term period.
  7. Follow-up information will be sent in our meetup recap article that appears on our blog the week following the meetup. This includes a recap of any type of presentation; including but not limited to any full blown guest interviews, testimonials, demos, testimonials, Q&A, or use cases.
  8. The sponsor can contribute up to one blog post article on our website

Interested? Drop us a line.